Monday, February 13, 2023 - Manitobans are encouraged to get outside and explore fishing opportunities throughout the province during this year’s Winter Family Fishing Weekend.
“Everyone can enjoy ice fishing for free this weekend without requiring an angling licence,” said Nesbitt. “There’s no better way to spend a winter day in Manitoba than ice fishing with family and friends, while also enjoying free admission to provincial parks during the month of February.”
From Feb. 18 to Feb. 20, anglers may fish without a licence in the province, except in national parks where a federal angling licence is still required.
Anglers may retain up to a conservation licence limit of fish, which includes four walleye/sauger, four northern pike, two smallmouth bass, one lake trout, one channel catfish and two stocked trout. Regular limits apply for those who already have a regular angling licence and all other angling regulations apply during this weekend, including regulations for individual waters.
For more information on all provincial angling regulations, refer to the 2022 Manitoba Anglers’ Guide at www.manitobafisheries.com.
To ensure ice fishing is safe and enjoyable, anglers should always check ice conditions before travelling onto ice, wear weather-appropriate clothing and advise someone where they will be fishing.
Anglers are also reminded that aquatic invasive species (AIS) requirements are in effect year-round. To review the winter (ice-covered) season checklist, a step-by-step resource to ensure compliance with AIS regulations, visit: https://www.gov.mb.ca/stopais/checklist/winter.html.
Anglers cannot remove live bait from aquatic invasive species control zones and retain for future use.
Bait taken into an AIS control zone must be discarded before leaving shore, if it:
is live bait,
has been handled (e.g. hooked), or
has come into contact with surface water from the control zone.
The requirements apply even with a valid three-day live bait fish transfer and use receipt. Additionally, all water from bait containers must be drained before leaving shore. For more information, visit: www.Manitoba.ca/StopAIS.