Since being appointed Manitoba's Minister for Environment and Climate, I have acted on Premier Stefanson's direction to bring experts together and get things done. This has been accomplished by putting together Task Forces with experts, stakeholders and other levels of government, all working towards one common goal.
Today, with our partners the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region and the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association we launched a new Construction, Renovation and Demolition Task Force to find new ways to divert waste materials from Manitoba landfills, create new business opportunities, and protect our environment for generations to come.
Construction, renovation and demolition waste is a major contributor of waste to our landfills, so by diverting these materials through reuse and recycling, we create many beneficial opportunities. Diverting these materials from the waste stream leads to the better preservation of finite natural resources and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to generating new economic opportunities.
In 2021, the Manitoba government’s Waste Diversion and Recycling Framework Review identified that construction, renovation and demolition products are the second largest waste stream in Manitoba, representing an estimated 20 to 30 per cent of total waste.
“The construction industry has been recycling select materials from road or other projects, but there are numerous materials that could be recovered and reused from broader construction activities to promote resource management and environmental stewardship,” said Chris Lorenc, president and CEO, Manitoba Heavy Construction Association.
The benefits also align with the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region’s draft Plan 20-50, which will establish a regional approach supporting waste minimization, diversion and recycling.
“Building resiliency in our region is a key objective in Plan 20-50,” said Colleen Sklar, executive director, Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. “This starts with improved data sharing and good working relationships across all levels of government, which ensure sound decision-making and an environment of trust.”
The new Construction, Renovation and Demolition Task Force, which will include participation from the City of Winnipeg, Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Winnipeg Construction Association and the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association, will submit a report with recommendations to the Manitoba government in the fall.