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City Secrets are Kept Behind Closed Doors

By - Winnipeg City Councillor Kevin Klein serving Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood

During my private sector career, I followed five keys to success;

  • Strategic Focus (Leadership, Management, Planning)

  • People (Personnel, Staff, Learning, Development)

  • Operations (Processes, Efficiencies)

  • Finances (Assets, Facilities, Equipment)

  • Information (Transparent, Detailed, Easily Accessible)

Good information, it is believed, improves decision making, enhances efficiency, and provides a competitive edge to the organization. But in modern times, information has acquired a new status and importance as an organizational resource and acceptance requirement.

Unfortunately, in today's Winnipeg City Council, Mayor Bowman is withholding critical information for some elected officials.

Under Bowman's leadership, he controls information sharing and the outcome of votes in the council with his Executive Policy Team plus three. In early 2020 Aldo Santin of the Winnipeg Free Press exposed the truth about Mayor Bowman's unethical control of City Hall.

The plus three consists of the Deputy Mayor, Acting Deputy Mayor, and recently added the Chair of the Winnipeg Police Board. That represents over 50% of this council, is that what you voted to support?

Many non-EPC plus three Councillors are not permitted to publicly asked questions. They did have the ability to speak directly with Department Managers, but those councilors only receive publicly available information.

The denial of information allows, and the creation of EPC plus three is a "breeding ground for patronage and comfortable top-ups," said Brian Bowman when first running to become Mayor in 2014. The current control leadership style fosters divisions on the council, mistrust among the public and does not allow every community in Winnipeg to be heard.

You have heard many members of City Council complain critical information remains locked behind closed doors. Just under half of the elected officials are not given the same access as Bowman's hand-selected "yes team" of EPC plus three.

Recently Mayor Bowman refused to direct the Public Service to make information equally available, and his yes team supported him. Now, some council members must use a general inquiry email. I could not make this up. If I had a manager refuse to speak with team members or board members, they would be released.

Complaining results in nothing. Transparent Communications allow you to form your own opinion, so I have added a page to my website that keeps you informed.

I have added a "Questions Not Answered" page to my website.

We have listed some critical requests for information with the date we requested details and to whom the request went. The page also includes essential complaints from residents complete with the date we notified the appropriate department.

I chose do take this approach so you could better understand the dysfunctional leadership at the helm of our city. I encourage you to speak out opposed to EPC and the withholding of information. Call 204-986-5665 or email the Mayor or your area councillor.

We can make change happen.

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