A city-wide snow clearing operation is anticipated to begin tonight at 7 p.m. Crews will clear streets, sidewalks, and active transportation paths, beginning with Priority 1 (P1) sidewalks and active transportation paths, active transportation routes (P2AT and P3AT) and adjacent sidewalks, and Priority 2 (P2) roads.
Crews are anticipated to clear back lanes beginning tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.
Motorists are reminded to drive to conditions and to use extreme caution when driving near heavy equipment.
The city has a number of resources available to help you to stay up-to-date on snow clearing operations.
You can access an interactive snow clearing status map to check on crews’ progress during major plowing operations.
During a major plowing operation, residents will be able to search an address, and view the percentage completed by geographic area for main routes (Priority 1 or P1) and non-regional streets (Priority 2 or P2), as well as sidewalks and pathways.
For comprehensive information and resources on the City of Winnipeg snow clearing and ice control operations, see: winnipeg.ca/snow.