(Winnipeg Police Release)
The Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) is a joint forces unit of the Winnipeg Police Service and the RCMP. MIHRSOU today provides information regarding James Sheldon JASPER, 43 years of age, a convicted sex offender who is considered high risk to sexually re-offend against all children, particularly male children. JASPER will be released from Stony Mountain Institution, in Stony Mountain, Manitoba on April 3, 2020. Upon release, JASPER will be subject to a three year supervised probation order, and lifetime prohibition and weapon prohibition orders. JASPER has been convicted previously of numerous sexual offences against children. Although he has participated in sexual offender treatment in the past, JASPER is still considered high risk to re-offend. All children, particularly male children, are at risk of sexual violence. He is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg.
James Sheldon JASPER is a 43-year-old male with a criminal record for sexual offences against children, particularly male children.
Of note, on November 25, 2003 JASPER was convicted of a sexual offence against a 10-year old boy. JASPER invited the boy into his car and drove him to a secluded spot where JASPER sexually assaulted him. JASPER was sentenced to 26 months in jail followed by a 10 year long-term supervision order. After completing the prison portion of his sentence, he was released on January 23, 2006. However, JASPER was subsequently convicted of breaching the terms of his long-term supervision order, in 2011 and 2016, and breaching the terms of his probation order in 2018.
On April 3, 2020, JASPER will be released from serving a 24 month sentence (in addition to 6 months pre-sentence custody credit) at the Stony Mountain Institution, regarding the 2018 convictions for breach of his probation order, and will be subject to the conditions of a three year supervised probation order including:
• Reside as directed by his probation officer and observe a curfew between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am, and comply with curfew checks;
• Not have any contact with, or be in the presence of any person under 18 years except for unavoidable encounters in a public place or except in the presence of a responsible adult approved in writing, by his probation officer;
• Not attend within 100 metres of any public parks or public swimming areas where persons 18 years or under are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a day care centre, school ground, playground or community center; (JASPER is subject to a lifetime order with the same prohibition)
• Not to participate in paid or volunteer work that involves regular contact with anyone 18 years or under, or which places him in a position of trust or authority towards those persons;
• Not to be in possession of a cellular phone, subscribe to a cellular phone in his name, or use a cellular phone with the consent of the subscriber except as permitted by his probation officer;
• Not to own, possess, or acquire any personal computer system or electronic device capable of accessing the internet except if explicitly set out in writing by his probation officer in advance; and
• Comply with any assessment, treatment, counseling, and/or community programming, as directed by his probation officer;
Although Mr. JASPER has participated in sex offender treatment programs in the past, he is still considered high risk to re-offend. Children - young boys in particular - are at risk of sexual violence. Some of JASPER’s victims have been “groomed” by him involving predatory, premeditated behaviour to access vulnerable victims, particularly young boys, to facilitate the sexual offences.
JASPER is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg.
This information is provided to enable members of the public to take suitable measures to protect themselves. Any form of vigilante activity or other unreasonable conduct directed at James Sheldon JASPER will not be tolerated. This information is also displayed on the Manitoba Justice Sex Offender Website: www.gov.mb.ca/justice/notification