WINNIPEG, MB. - Provincial Public Health Officials have announced limited changes to the COVID restrictions that will take effect on Jan. 23 and last for three weeks,
Previous restrictions in the orders will remain, with the following changes for the Winnipeg Health region:
Household limits: orders will be expanded to allow increased personal connections to support the well-being of Manitobans by allowing:
two designated people (family or friends) to visit a household under a new ‘rule of two’;
outdoor visits of up to five people only plus members of a household on an outdoor private property; and
funerals to have up to 10 people in addition to the officiant under clear COVID-19 protection protocols.
Retail operations:
orders will be expanded to eliminate the essential items list, allowing all stores to open for the sale of products provided they maintain physical distancing and occupancy limits of 25 per cent only or a maximum of 250 people, whichever is lower.
Health and personal services: orders will be expanded to allow for the operation of basic services that promote physical and mental health for Manitobans:
non-regulated health services, such as pedorthists and reflexologists, to reopen with adequate physical distancing and requirements to collect information for contact tracing purposes; and
barber shops and hair stylists to reopen at 25 per cent capacity with adequate physical distancing and requirements to collect information for contact tracing purposes.
Given the high case counts in northern Manitoba communities, the changes outlined above will not apply to that region or Churchill. “Our collective progress in bending the COVID curve means we can undertake these careful, measured openings,” said Roussin. “But we must stick to the fundamentals of physical distancing, washing hands and wearing a mask in our daily lives to keep this success going.”
Roussin explained that current high COVID case numbers and test positivity rates in northern Manitoba where the virus continues to affect remote and isolated communities, including First Nation communities, means Manitoba is not yet in a position to ease restrictions in this region. Pallister reiterated the province will monitor COVID-19 developments carefully and will make further adjustments to ease restrictions or re-impose restrictions depending on Manitobans’ collective success in keeping COVID-19 at bay. For up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit www.manitoba.ca/COVID19.