What People Say About Kevin Klein

Brian Sharfstein
"We served together as board members on the Winnipeg Police Board. While I did not always agree with his views and recommendations, I came to understand his motivation. During his campaign for Mayor, I spent time getting to know Kevin and gained respect for his integrity and honesty."

Stuart Murray
Kevin has demonstrated through his years of public service that he has the experience to listen, to work hard and I believe will be a strong voice for all the constituents of Kirkfield Park, I ask you to give Kevin the same honour you gave me, to represent Kirkfield Park in the Manitoba Legislature.

Ryan Woiden, a veteran frontline paramedic leader stated,

“Kevin has a better understanding of what paramedics need within the city of Winnipeg than any one else I’ve talked to. The province has done their diligence by looking at where the current monies go. Now let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s and get on with it. Take my word for it. Kevin Klein’s perspective on how paramedics can take pressure off of the current healthcare system is right. These are the kind of ideas that paramedics can get behind. This group of paramedics that handle all our Community Paramedic work within Winnipeg. Community Paramedics have a scope that allows them to treat people in their homes instead of a trip to a hospital. They also can connect patients to other Health Care team members Instead of filling ER waiting rooms. I’m hoping some of the 2000 health care professionals to be hired will include Advanced Care Paramedics too.”
Klein said “I appreciate the kind words from Ryan. As a City Councillor for most of Kirkfield Park, I took the time to listen to people on the front lines. I wanted an understanding of what they were experiencing and discussing potential solutions. That is how I came to know Ryan and respect his position on and opinions on these matters. If I am fortunate to become the MLA for Kirkfield Park I will continue listening to those on the front lines, working together to find solutions and be brave enough to suggest the changes necessary.”

I had the honour of serving most of you as our City Councillor. We stood shoulder to shoulder to save the Westwood Library and the John Blumberg Public Golf Course. In my four years we did more park and green space improvements than anyone before me. We were able to fund major repairs to Allard arena and put in Pickle ball courts at the KW Community Centre.
I stood with people who were facing thousands in penalties from the City of Winnipeg on Augie to get a reprieve so residents could address the issues with their builder. We planted more trees along the perimeter near the Oaks and provided funding for a canoe launch sign that residents wanted.
I have proven through my role as a city councillor that I will stand up for my constituents and do what is in their best interest. That means if I am fortunate enough to earn your vote, if I have to fight Wab Kinew or Heather Stefanson, I am going to fight for our rights and values in Kirkfield Park.

Dear Kirkfield Park Resident,
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself, although many of you have already gotten to know me over the last four years as your city councillor.
It has been an honour to serve the people of Kirkfield Park. Together we have fought to save the Westwood Library, John Blumberg Golf Course, and had the gifted amber flashing lights in school zones accepted, with the first set installed on Bedson Street. A number of our green spaces, parks and paths have received more funding for improvements than in the last 10 years.
Additionally, we provided funding for repairs to Allard Arena, and added Pickle Ball courts to the KW Community Centre.
I am extremely proud that our work to bring Homes for Heroes to the the city which will help more than 150 homeless veterans living on the streets.
We brought many people together to find solutions and move the project forward. With your support, I challenged how your hard-earned money was spent and fought to increase accountability and transparency in government.
But there is more work to be done, such as, improving Health Care and specifically the services at the Grace Hospital. We also need to develop more senior housing in our community so you have the choice to stay in our community. Crime is a growing concern and as the former Chair of the Winnipeg Police Board I will push for solutions to address the issues that are affecting us. I will work to make certain the transit shelters are safe for everyone, and that we implement a focused program to crack down on the loud vehicles and drag racing occurring Sunday nights in our neighbourhoods.
I will fight for much needed funding to make improvements at both Allard Arena and the Kirkfield-Westwood community centre.
This is why I am asking for your vote to be your MLA representing Kirkfield Park. I have been a strong voice for our community during the last four years, and I am committed to being that same strong voice in the Legislature.
I have forged many friendships, listened to your concerns, and now with your support I am ready to fight for our community as your MLA.
Kindest Regards,
Kevin Klein
What Residents Say About Kevin Klein

Klein Releases Statement – Friday, November 25, 2022
On Thursday, November 24th, MLA Bob Lagasse shared his personal story and struggle with Mental Health issues because of the environment in the Manitoba Legislature. As a candidate in provincial politics for just a few weeks, Kevin Klein said, "My wife and I have both felt the emotional toll of this toxic style of politics displayed at the Legislature by NDP and Liberal elected officials. Our hearts go out to Mr. Lagasse."
Winnipeg City Hall did not tolerate such verbal abuse and false accusations in the Chamber. But in the Legislature, the NDP make consistent lies and false accusations because they are untouchable for what they say in the Chamber.
As opposed to showcasing what their NDP candidate has to offer in this election or addressing the fact that six NDP members have been charged and convicted of a criminal offence. The NDP chose to make personal attacks on Klein and his family as their platform in Kirkfield Park instead of the residents' concerns.
"I terminated my position at Nygard Biotech after four months because it was a toxic environment filled with verbal abuse, lies, and unprofessionalism. I stood up to him and will stand up to the antics of Wab Kinew and his NDP members." Klein said.
"My family and I lived in fear that if we spoke publicly about my experience working for Nygard Biotech, we would be subject to more abuse because we learned of others who tried and threats and lawsuits. We believed a person with that much money would go to any lengths to hurt someone. Unfortunately, the NDP's continuous barrage of false insinuations forces me to correct their lies and has heightened that fear in our family, causing undue stress."
"However, I feel so strongly about serving the people of Kirkfield Park that I have answered the many, many false insinuations made by Wab Kinew's NDP and shared the details of my very short employment," said Klein.
Klein often speaks to groups about the devastating impact of Domestic Violence by sharing the trauma of his mother's murder at the hands of her spouse. "The consistently false insinuations by Wab Kinew and his NDP members towards my integrity, and our good family name, are damaging the efforts that myself and many others are taking to stop domestic violence in our province."
"A true leader takes responsibility for their team members," said Klein, "Wab Kinew is not in control of his team, as is evident by the continued lies and false insinuations by his party members. How can you lead a province when you allow and reward this type of behaviour within your organization? I believe we are elected solely to represent the people in our constituencies and address their concerns, not to lodge unfounded attacks and false insinuations that cause personal trauma. What leader would allow this behaviour in a workplace? Not me, and I proved that by quickly leaving my job with Nygard Biotech," said Klein.
"After spending decades in the media, I know first-hand the game Wab Kinew and his NDP party members are playing. They cast aspersions disguised as questions they know are not accurate and post them to social media as a tool in the political arena.
"They are using lies and false insinuations as clickbait because they have nothing to offer to the people of Kirkfield Park," said Klein. "In this by-election, Wab Kinew does not want the people to know that at least six NDP members have been charged and convicted of criminal offences."
The NDP wants to hide the fact that Kevin Klein cleared the most intrusive background search in Manitoba to become the Chair of the Winnipeg Police Board. They don't want Manitobans to know about Klein's record serving most of Kirkfield Park as their City Councillor, where Klein saved the Westwood Library and financially supported improvements to Allard Arena and the St. James Historical Museum. He also put Pickle Ball courts in at KW Community Centre and fought to bring in Homes for Heroes - a place that helps provide shelter and care for the many homeless veterans in our city to Winnipeg.
"This is a difficult time for my family and me, but I will do whatever is necessary to protect them from this abuse," said Klein. "I will fight for my family and the residents of Kirkfield Park, whether it's against the NDP, Liberals, or my party, to bring the changes residents want in our province."