SOURCE - The Government of Manitoba
The Manitoba government has delivered more than 226,000 cheques to provide senior Manitobans with the $200 Seniors Economic Recovery Credit, Finance Minister Scott Fielding announced today.
“The new Seniors Economic Recovery Credit program has been successful in delivering nearly $43 million to seniors in our province over the past few months,” said Fielding. “This direct financial support helps make life more affordable for Manitoba seniors and offsets the additional costs of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as pharmaceutical dispensing fees, grocery deliveries and technology to stay connected to loved ones.”
As part of the Manitoba Protection Plan, the province announced a one-time, refundable $200 tax credit on May 5. The credit is available to Manitobans aged 65 and older who file an income tax return as a Manitoba resident.
In May and June, Manitoba Finance mailed an advance payment of $200 to seniors who filed a 2018 income tax return. The province issued 226,037 cheques and to date, Manitobans have cashed 214,436 cheques, which amounts to a 95 per cent program success rate and a provincial investment of $42.9 million.
“Overall, people aged 65 years and older and those with underlying illnesses are at higher risk for severe outcomes as a result of COVID-19 infection. We’d like to thank senior Manitobans for the additional hardships they’ve faced and adjustments they’ve made during this stressful time since the pandemic struck our province in March,” said Fielding.
Seniors who changed mailing addresses since their 2018 tax filings were able to update their address online at www.manitoba.ca/seniorseconomicrecoverycredit. More than 12,000 Manitobans changed their address online to receive a cheque. Due to a coding error, 74 cheques required a reprint and the minister thanked those recipients for their patience and understanding.
Seniors who did not receive a cheque in the mail can claim the $200 Seniors Economic Recovery Credit on their 2020 income tax return. The credit is not considered taxable income.
Manitobans who require further assistance with the Seniors Economic Recovery Credit can contact 204-945-3744 or 1-866-626-4862 (toll-free) or email mgi@gov.mb.ca.