By Councillor Kevin Klein
WINNIPEG - A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who joined us in the community riverbank clean-up on Friday. After a phone call from a resident on Tuesday, we are able to organize this clean-up up in just three days with help from the community and our new ward liaison, Imran.
A special thank you to the Manager at Brady Landfill as he wasted no time in helping our group by waving the dumping fees. He even offered to come help when his shift was over. A City crew came and helped collect the larger items, and Charleswood resident Kevin McConnell who owns McConnell Electrice called the owner of Hart Roofing to borrow their large trailer so he could pick up over 50 bags of garbage along with some of the most interesting items found that day. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the people who supported us with honking horns as they drove by.

We all gathered near the riverbank just off the Perimeter between the Oaks and St. Charles. We had all heard stories of people dumping furniture and garbage along the bank, but many had never witnessed it and it was eye opening.
We added a little humour to the day when some would joke about what was discovered. Ping-pong table, TV, a street light, iron bars, dental floss, car parts, windshield wipers, building materials, large advertising signs, and of course cigarette butts, bottles and cans. However, I finally solved a puzzle that we have all been struggling with; "Where does that one glove or one sock go?" Apparently along the riverbank and Perimeter Highway.
When first-time visitors see garbage along our streets and neglected boulevards, parks and trees, that forms their opinion of our city. We take pride in our own property and vehicles and we should be able to take pride in our City. Especially our riverbanks as I'm certain that every Real Estate expert will tell you the most valuable land is waterfront. The current leadership only invests $500,000 per budget year for riverbank management. In the private sector and with individuals, caring for one's valuable assets is an investment, a requirement.

To all our Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood community members please contact me if you have identified an area that requires some TLC. The Harte Trail group does incredible work picking up garbage and keeping the trail healthy. Is there more we can do? Let's clean up our City together. To residents who are not in our Ward, let us know if you are arranging a volunteer clean up. I know many of us will be there to help, including myself. I still remember my Mom telling me talk is cheap, only actions have meaning.
This is our City - let's invest a little volunteer time to protect our assets so they may increase in value over the years.