Success should be celebrated, not condemned. Yet, in today’s Canada, a disturbing trend has emerged where those who achieve greatness are vilified, not for any wrongdoing but for simply excelling. This warped narrative, fueled by leftist ideologies and the WOKE movement, has done immeasurable harm to our nation. The more successful you are, the more of a target you become. And it’s not just about wealth; it’s about refusing to conform to their narrow worldview.
Social media gave birth to this nonsense. Platforms that were once tools for connection have become weapons of division, encouraging users to pile on anyone who dares to think differently or succeed outside the WOKE-approved mould. It’s a societal war on reason and common sense, perpetuated by jealous activists and cowardly politicians who lack the courage to lead.
The core of this movement is jealousy, a corrosive force rooted in laziness, depression, and a lack of drive. Instead of confronting their shortcomings, these individuals choose to tear others down. Attacking someone’s success is easier than accepting the truth: that hard work, risk-taking, and perseverance create opportunities and drive society forward. These activists create their own worlds of imagined oppression, ignoring the realities of effort and achievement.
The WOKE movement declared war on successful people long ago. It’s not enough to disagree with them; they seek to cancel anyone who refuses to toe their line. Politicians who won’t cave to their demands are smeared. Entrepreneurs who succeed outside their rigid frameworks are demonized. This is not progress; it is tyranny cloaked in the language of inclusivity. And while some may think the WOKE movement has retreated, it hasn’t. It is lying low, waiting for the next opportunity to pounce. The rhetoric hasn’t disappeared; it’s simply been repackaged.
Manitoba’s NDP is a glaring example of this destructive mindset. Their approach implies that success is inherently evil and that the more you achieve, the more you should pay for everyone else. It’s a philosophy that punishes excellence and rewards mediocrity. Instead of fostering a climate where everyone can thrive, they foster division. This ideology harms not just the wealthy or the successful but everyone. When success is punished, fewer people strive for it. That means fewer businesses, fewer jobs, and fewer opportunities for Canadians.
Trying to be politically correct was the start of this nonsense. The pendulum swung too far to the left, and we are now reaping the consequences. These activists target our youth, indoctrinating them with the idea that positions of authority, like law enforcement or even their own parents, are inherently bad. This is a sign of true weakness. Strength is found in building, not destroying, in celebrating, not condemning, in lifting others up, not tearing them down.
The blame for this societal decay lies squarely with politicians, who are followers, not leaders. They lack the backbone to stand up to the bullies of the WOKE movement. Instead, they pander, enabling the very rhetoric that divides us. True leadership requires the courage to reject jealousy-driven policies and champion the values that made Canada great: hard work, integrity, and mutual respect.
The media is another major culprit. Look at the CBC or other newspapers in Winnipeg. Their so-called journalism is little more than activism. They don’t inform; they manipulate. During my time in politics, they attacked me not for my policies or ideas, which is fair game, but through gossip and innuendo. In the last election, they worked against the Progressive Conservative Party and targeted Glen Murray in the municipal race. That’s not journalism; it’s promoting their agenda disguised as reporting.
These outlets have a god complex, deciding who is worthy of praise and who should be torn down. They push agendas, not facts. Have you ever seen the CBC celebrate the success of a local businessperson who doesn’t fit their DEI platform? Of course not. Their focus isn’t on uplifting communities; it’s on perpetuating division. The media, once a cornerstone of democracy, has become a tool for silencing dissent and promoting ideological conformity.
We cannot ignore this rhetoric. To do so is to allow it to fester. We must push back. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Do not apologize for your success or your way of thinking. Success is not a sin; it is a virtue. It creates jobs, drives innovation, and improves lives. The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them. The WOKE movement is a bully, and it’s time we call it out for what it is.
Canada needs a shift back to the center. The pendulum must swing away from the extremes of leftist ideology and return to balance. This is not about silencing opposing views; it’s about ensuring that all voices have a place at the table. It’s about creating a society where success is celebrated, not condemned, and where hard work and innovation are rewarded, not punished.
So here’s my call to you: Don’t stay silent. Don’t let fear of backlash stop you from standing up for what’s right. Speak out when you see injustice, defend the value of hard work, and challenge the rhetoric that seeks to divide us. Together, we can push back against the bullies and build a Canada that champions success, innovation, and opportunity for all.