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Immigration lacks fairness for Canadians and newcomers

Canada is experiencing an immigration crisis and we are left asking where has the common sense gone?

Allowing 1.25 million people to enter the country in the middle of a housing crisis simply makes no sense. Yet the Liberal-NDP government, over a 12-month period ending Oct. 1, allowed Canada’s population to grow by 1.25 million people. That is the most rapid growth this country has seen since the 1950s. It was almost entirely driven by a deliberate intake of immigrants consisting mostly of temporary residents and students.

According to a recent report released by a National Bank economist, Canada’s staggering population growth is stretching its capacity to adequately accommodate new immigrants. A significant lag in new housing construction has not kept up with the massive influx in immigration. The system is breaking down.

Read more in the Winnipeg Sun, click here.

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