Winnipeg City Council has voted to reprimand Councillor Russ Wyatt for comments he made about former City of Winnipeg CAO Michael Jack, who left his position under undisclosed circumstances and is now a deputy minister in the provincial NDP government.
Mayor Scott Gillingham and Councillor Devi Sharma brought forward the motion to reprimand Wyatt for his comments regarding Michael Jack. During the council meeting, Wyatt defended his remarks, stating, "I simply was doing what is my responsibility to the citizens that I represent, as under the oath of council, to hold accountable our administration."
Wyatt further argued that the council’s code of conduct was being used as a political tool. "But even now the code of conduct is being weaponized and used politically against council members. I ask you, and I remind you, to remember the fact that Mr. Jack was not a staff member of mine, as Pytel, the Integrity Commissioner from Edmonton who reviewed the complaint filed by Michael Jack, wrongly contends."
Wyatt suggested Michael Jack should have been fired as the City of Winnipeg CAO for not reprimanding a staff member. Wyatt said, "I still believe that any senior administrator who does not act upon a decision made by a court to award damages against the city for $5 million because of the direct actions of an employee – and that employee is still on the payroll and neither terminated nor on administrative leave – ultimately falls on the shoulders of the CAO of the city.

On that matter, any other employer, any other employer out there, and I've talked to many of them, small and large businesses would immediately take action in terms of dealing with that employee."
The Winnipeg Sun reached out to a council member and asked, "What does this accomplish? “Nothing,” the source said, “and It has been on the agenda three times."
Wyatt stood by his position in a statement emailed to the Winnipeg Sun. "I did my job to hold him to account. I spoke my mind – I asked a serious question on behalf of the people I represent – which is what we have all sworn an oath and are elected to do. Indeed, there are many of you here in this room who, when the CAO, Mr. Jack, was terminated, said far worse things."
Wyatt warned that reprimanding him would set a precedent that could stifle open discussion at City Hall. Democracy is lost today.
Despite his objections, councillors voted in favour of the reprimand. The motion passed, with members of the mayor’s inner circle supporting the decision.
Wyatt declined to answer further questions, citing legal advice that the matter could be addressed in court.