(Winnipeg City Councillor - Kevin Klein)
I wanted to share some links with you that I feel will be beneficial.
We have decided, in the Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood office to ensure we provide the most accurate COVID-19 updates & information that impacts our community. I feel strongly that it’s important we communicate with a precautionary mindset.
There are many rumours circulating, that often happens with fear, I ask you to please verify anything you hear from a credible source.
Here are some credible sources:
Other Resources:
This is a very stressful time, all actions being implemented are precautionary, to protect us and slow the spread of the virus.
If you have questions please don’t hesitate for a moment to reach out to me via phone at 204-986-5232 or email kevink@kevinklein.ca. Together as a community we will get through this.
Wishing you & your family good health.