(Red River Ex Release)
The batter to make 300,000 mini donuts is ready, the cotton candy is about to be spun, the animals in the petting zoo want to meet families, the Ferris wheel is polished up and the musicians are tuned and ready to go. Problem is, we have to keep our distances.
In an unprecedented move in the Association’s 71-year history, the Red River Exhibition will cancel its regularly scheduled June 12-21, 2020 dates.
“Work has been happening behind the scenes with North American Midway Entertainment (the world’s largest travelling midway company) as well as fairs all across Canada including the Calgary Stampede, Edmonton’s K-Days, Regina’s Queen City Ex, the Saskatoon Ex and the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Our national fair industry contributes a total of $48 million to local economies and when one cancels there is a huge ripple effect that occurs. Entertainers, musicians, vendors, food trucks, midway employees and the like are all affected. It doesn’t just hit us here in Winnipeg – it affects an entire Canadian industry,” said Garth Rogerson, CEO, Red River Exhibition Association.
“We’ve faced many years of really bad weather but nothing that would ever jeopardize the health and safety of our volunteers, staff and guests. It is only now that the COVID-19 outbreak would cause us, with heavy hearts, to cancel the 2020 edition of the Red River Ex. We will ” added Rogerson.
With an economic impact to our province alone of over $16 million, the cancellation of the Red River Exhibition will be felt throughout our community and across the country.
If you have purchased online tickets, please hold on to them as they will be valid for next year or email info@redriverex.com and we will refund your purchase.
The 2021 Red River Ex will take place on June 18-27, 2021. We look forward to seeing everyone!